We have a link on our agency’s website on every page of the site called “Satisfaction Survey.” We encourage family members, staff, and even neighbors or strangers who have knowledge of our services to voice concerns through this method. Doing so can be completely anonymous, or a name can be included. Either way, the information comes through our email system directly to the President, CFO and CEO. With this approach, there is no way for any caregiver or professional staff, regional manager, or Director to keep the concern from the attention of the executive leadership and ownership of our organization. Once the concern is known, all possible steps will be taken to rectify the concern. With teamwork, genuine concern and regard for doing the right things, along with some occasionally needed creativity, we can solve almost any problem. We will never take a defensive posture in response to the concerns that are brought to our attention; we know that any family can take their loved one to another program and any good staff can choose to work elsewhere. Our goal is to keep your loved ones in our program and to address the disgruntlements of everyone to minimize turnover of employees and a revolving door of individuals served. In order to do that, we must take concerns, comments, and disgruntlements very seriously and make every effort necessary to work through them successfully by implementing corrective solutions that are within our means.