Our programs are designed to facilitate an active life ; from basic assistance with cooking and daily chores to more complex planning and participation in a variety of fun and rewarding recreational activities in the community, individuals are provided with opportunities and the support necessary to participate in all aspects of quality living. We are proud of the high satisfaction our individuals and their family members have in our approach to an active life.
Out and About
Providing opportunities for our clients to have an enriched living experience in and out of their home is something we take very seriously. Every person has a chance to live, laugh, learn, and grow. We coordinate and facilitate an extensive, always-changing variety of indoor and outdoor activities so residents can learn to manage their finances and create their own unique experiences. We also provide transportation and supervisory care for all outings/activities. Not just for holidays and birthdays, but that which include sporting events, live music and theater, special dances and related social functions for our community.

State Fairs
If you are a State Fair ‘go-er’, 2020 was a rough time. Some of our clients got to go recently to this year’s fair (with some extra precautions in place). A good time was had!!! Plenty of ‘ye-haws’ and winning was had!!
Three hundred?.. schmi-hundred!
Strike or gutter-ball? Not really the point, here. The joy of group participation and the “cheers from the peers for all efforts” make the experience thrilling, regardless of the score.
For some of our residents, the Special Olympics Texas bowling season is a premier annual milestone. However, for many, the competition is not always the motivation; just hanging out with friends, and making new ones, is so much fun.

Mall and Park Visits
Local malls are not only a fun venue for adventure, dining, or shopping; they grant another opportunity to participate in our communities. There are many safe and family-friendly local parks in each of the regions we serve, where our families and friends have BBQs, celebrate birthdays and holidays, play outdoor games, or simply get some fresh air and exercise at a park where everyone can relax and feel like part of the community.
Flea Markets
Flea markets are a common and popular affair. Our people feel right at home with the community at large during an afternoon at a local flea market. The ability to make an inexpensive purchase is met with joy, but the local flea market also is a great place to interact with people from all around, helping our residents feel like they are part of the greater community. We check out all of the various vendors and enjoy dancing to the local live music and interacting with the friendly neighbors that are commonplace in all of the regions we serve, and are simply great opportunity for some physical activity and simply feeling like part of the local community.

From basic haircuts to manicures and pedicures, we encourage the people we service to express their individuality just as the rest of us like to do! Getting out for these types of services is not just necessary for the obvious grooming, but also yet another opportunity to get out and do what the rest of us do to feel human and part of the life of the community.
Planting and cultivating a mini garden is another favorite activity. Everyone participates and takes pride in seeing in the bountiful results to water and keep the garden alive, they love to make sure that the plants are maintained and healthy and making art decorations for the mini garden. Our resident, Alicia F., said “it is one of my favorite things to do when I go to dayhab, to watch the plants grow big and strong!”

Game Nights
Games nights are hosted in our group homes and our day programs. They include fun activities, including board games, talent shows, fellowship, and of course, food! All are welcome to showcase their talents, strengthen their skills, and relish in some friendly competition.
Libraries, Museums, and the Zoo
In each of the regions we serve, there are several interesting museums and complete public libraries, which provide a great opportunity to learn, as well as a unique chance to see how other people modify their own behavior in a way that’s appropriate for these unique environments (being more calm and quiet, and watching how others adapt to the unique rules). Of course, zoos are great fun for everyone.
Tours of Local Businesses
This includes local bakeries, fire departments, or unique-themed places, such as the Bass Pro Shop.
Personal Shopping
We give our residents the opportunity to shop for clothes, electronics, and other special requests.
Mailbox run
Residents and staff that have homes in subdivisions with community mailboxes get to do a refreshing walk to get the mail. We also simply love walking around the neighborhood to get fresh air and stretch our bodies.
Neighborhood Social Events and Amenities
We have fun visiting neighborhood amenities such as local swimming pools, fishing ponds, and nearby school walking/running tracks and even the YMCA.

Special Olympics Texas
Fierce competitors…but when the game is over, and the victories are in hand, best friends resume mutual support and pride in each other’s accomplishments.
Special Olympics Texas never stops! More than 40,000 people volunteer their time helping children and adults participate in more than 300 competitions annually. Jump over to their site and read all about it.
Texas Special Olympics 2018
What a fun weekend in Austin, Texas! A group of athletes stand proud for the huge closing ceremony of the Texas Special Olympics. These athletes traveled with Treasures of Joy, a non-profit charitable disability organization in Houston that provides day services for many, including some of those we serve. After a long weekend of competing, everyone was excited to come together for a night of music and celebration. We arrived early to the event, which provided our crew the opportunity to be first in line, leading the parade. When our team was announced, they walked across the gym, lined with dozens of military officials and police officers booming with applause and passing out high-fives. The athletes held their heads high with beaming, smiling faces. A night of music and dancing followed, which was arguably their favorite part of the evening. Until next year, Special Olympics!

Special Camp for Special People
“I love that horse.” exclaimed Todd when Timika Peterson, Program Manager of Texas HCS in Beaumont, showed him the picture taken a few days earlier at Special Camp for Special People in Palestine, Texas. Todd was selected to be the first person to mount a valiant steed and say “Walk on” during the horse riding event. Bill Newcomb, Pastor and Director of the camp, said that it was all Todd talked about since his arrival the day before so he had chosen Todd as the first out of over 60 campers to ride. It was no easy feat. The Clydesdale, standing over six foot tall, was positioned next to a ramp and mounting platform where owner and operator of Spirit of St. Louis Therapeutic Riding Center (in Tyler) and Mr. Newcomb helped Todd fasten his helmet and mount the horse of his dreams. The owner knew this was the horse for Todd standing 6’8” tall himself. Todd had never before riden a horse and most likely will never forget this horse riding experience.
Lifetime Memories
The vacation memory of a lifetime for a gentleman who may have some trouble communicating with words, but clearly can connect on an emotional level with anyone.
clever dolphin speaks
silent boy smiles most proudly
connection stands loud

Go ‘Stros !
“Take me out to the ball game, Take me out with the crowd;
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack, I don’t care if I never get back.
Let me root, root, root for the home team! If they don’t win, it’s a shame.
For it’s one!, two!, three strikes!, you’re out! – at the old ball game.”
A wheelchair doesn’t stop a true Astros fan from taking in a game at Minute Maid Park with a great seat and a lot of cheering enthusiasm. Getting things set up in advance can be an invigorating challenge for our staff, however we love seeing the excitement our residents display while particiating in large spectator events.
Family/Holiday Visits
While we work very hard to assist our residents with family/holiday visits, it can be a challenging task during major holidays to coordinate the numerous visits. We are very happy to get things set up in advance and can help make special arrangements where necessary. We love seeing the excitement our residents display leading up to, and on arriving at their loved one’s house or event venue.

Special Group Cookouts and Get-togethers
Fourth of July, Super Bowl, and Memorial Day weekend are just some of the perfect occasions for an outdoor BBQ. But a holiday is not necessary for a BBQ. Heck, even red meat is not necessary; just some good friends, nice weather and a hearty appetite. As everyone prepares for the bi-weekly grocery shop, we get consumed with all the great foods to be prepared for the outdoor event.
Our homes typically have spacious backyards, and we provide BBQ pits that are perfect for a dinner from the grill. And what’s a BBQ without family and friends? Most of our homes are all within a short distance of one another, so that everyone can easily interact and mingle. As a part of overall active participation, everyone contributes in one way or another like preparing plates independently or with the help of a staff. BBQ’s and house get-togethers are one of many great opportunities to socialize and participate!
To us, dancing is always a good idea! Getting dressed up always make the people we serve feel sophisticated, as it does for all of us. Our people attend lots of dance events throughout the year, such as the Mardi Gras Ball in February, the Candy Cane Ball and similar Christmas events in December. Autumn and spring seasonal dances are popular. Of course, at one of our six annual regional company Christmas parties, family members and friends are invited to join their loved ones and all of us at a formal banquet-style holiday spectacular featuring not just dancing, but special awards and recognitions, and great food and fun.
Other Activities
- Art Shows
- Car Shows
- Concerts and Theatre Performances
- Restaurant Dining and Movie Nights