You have a choice; you can continue to manage the finances of your loved one, or you can entrust the task to us. We are happy to take on that task; in fact, we prefer to do it in order to ensure continuity of eligibility for benefits. If you opt to manage the finances, you will be required to pay us the room and board amount monthly (HCS individuals). If you opt for us to manage the finances, we will ensure that those finances are managed according to very strict guidelines and oversight provided by the State. In addition, we will ensure that the funds are properly safeguarded and accounted for. We will provide you with ledgers and/or back statements, as you request. And most importantly, we will make sure that the funds are available you your loved one, as needed. We have a very solid track record in all of our related State inspections, known as trust fund audits. In the event that we do make a mistake in accounting or expenditure (or any other similar issue), we will reimburse your loved one’s account accordingly. However, we take great pride in our history of proper management of individual’s accounts, which we handle with precision, accuracy, and numerous checks and balances to prevent fraud and abuse of funds or cash money.